To pause and ponder
If something intangible is forgotten, does it cease to exist? Every moment of every day, profound things happen that slip into obscurity simply because we don’t take the time to remember. I have a terrible memory, but hate forgetting. The idea behind this blog is simple: Thoughts, moments, quotes, anything, could be sent here, at any time in the day. I don’t want to forget the world I live in now. And I don’t want you to either.
10:01 AM

Jacques Steenkamp "Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"

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2:23 PM
denial is not proof
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A Boy And His Dog

2:11 PM
A boy and his dog make a glorious pair
No better friendship is found anywhere
For they talk and they walk and they run and they play
And they have their deep secrets for many a day
And that boy has a comrade who thinks and who feels
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels

He may go where he will and his dog will be there
May revel in mud and his dog will not care
Faithful he'll stay for the slightest command
And bark with delight at the touch of his hand
Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody steals
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels

No other can lure him away from his side
He's proof against riches and station and pride
Fine dress does not charm him, and flattery's breath
Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful to death
He sees the great soul which the body conceals
Oh, it's great to be young with a dog at your heels!

by Edgar Guest
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About Me

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Who am i? Who are you? If truth depends on facts which others can change, and reality is little more than perception... surely a definition of "ME" is, to some extent at least, superfluous? maybe. but then again, maybe not.... I am currently a drama and Radio Journalism student and hope to one day produce and direct music video's.


My Life

My Life

Music video's

  • It's amazing - Jem
  • Love Story - taylor Swift
  • New Divide - Linkin Park
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